presents James Bond - Spectre

The Spy Who Loved Me

When British and Soviet ballistic-missile submarines disappear under mysterious circumstances, James Bond (Roger Moore) is given the assignment to investigate what happened. He travels to Egypt, where the plans for an advanced submarine tracking system is on the market. He teams up with KGB agent Anya Amasova (Barbara Bach), who’s also after the plans. Together, […]

When British and Soviet ballistic-missile submarines disappear under mysterious circumstances, James Bond (Roger Moore) is given the assignment to investigate what happened. He travels to Egypt, where the plans for an advanced submarine tracking system is on the market. He teams up with KGB agent Anya Amasova (Barbara Bach), who’s also after the plans. Together, they discover that scientist Karl Stromberg is responsible for the thefts.

They meet a tall assassin with steel teeth known as Jaws (Richard Kiel), who attacks Amasova, but Bond intervenes and saves her life. The two discover Stromberg has a supertanker, the Liparus, which can capture submarines. On board a submarine, they examine Atlantis, Stromberg’s underwater hideout and confirm he’s operating the tracking system, and intends to launch nuclear missiles from the submarines in order to destroy Moscow and New York City.

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